The characteristic analysis on bounding pulse and thready pulse of TCM based on signal processing 基于信号处理的中医洪脉与细脉的特征分析
Vision is declining gradually, dryness of eyes, dizziness, insomnia, poor memory, soreness and weakness of the lumbar region, red tongue and thready pulse. 视力逐渐减弱,眼睛干涩,头晕失眠,记忆力减退,或伴腰膝酸软者,舌红,脉细。
Palpitation, lustreless, complexion, dizziness, blurring of vision, shortness of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with tooth prints, thready, weak or intermittent pulse. 心悸不宁,面色无华,头晕目眩,气短乏力,舌质淡,有齿痕,脉细数或结代。
Before chemotherapy wiry thready pulse, wiry slippery pulse and thready slippery pulse are the main pulse. ⑶脉象:化疗前以弦细脉、弦滑脉、细滑脉为多,化疗后以沉滑脉、沉细脉为主,虚证脉象明显增加。
This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation, yellowish fur, and thready and slippery pulse. 中风病人凡具有便干便秘,舌苔黄腻,脉弦滑等症状,皆可大胆应用。
The top ten symptoms of diabetes were: dark tongue, dry mouth, fatigue, polydipsia, greasy fur, wiry pulse, pale tongue, blurred vision, red tongue, thready pulse. 患者症状、舌脉象的频数及发生率前十位分别为:舌暗、口干、疲倦乏力、多饮、苔腻、脉弦、舌淡、视物模糊、舌红、脉细。
Secondary symptoms: fatigue, frequent night urination, hair loss or teeth shaking, dizziness, and deep thready pulse. 次要症状:神疲乏力、夜尿频多、发落或齿摇、头晕目眩、沉细脉。
Secondary symptoms: mental fatigue and lacking of strength, eye dryness, cramps, unclear vision, and thready weak pulse. 次要症状:神疲乏力、目干涩、抽筋、视物不清、细弱脉。
The clinical manifestation of deficiency of both qi and yin syndrome include spontaneous sweating, fatigue, Qi shortness and talking laziness, lumbar debility, anorexia, cardiopalmus and thready pulse. 气阴两虚证临床表现为易自汗、神疲乏力、气短懒言、腰膝酸软、食欲不振、心悸、脉细。
Blood Deficiency: The pale complexion, dizziness, limb numbness, pale tongue, thready pulse. 血虚:面色萎黄、头晕、肢体麻木、舌淡白、脉细。